Sustainable Development Goals
An official publication of the United Nations Association – UK
In October 2020, the United Nations Association – UK published the eighth edition of its definitive series on the post-2015 development agenda.
Sustainable Development Goals: Building back better is a unique collection of incisive and accessible articles, covering the spectrum of issues relating to the implementation of the SDGs.
Written by the world’s leading authorities, it equips policy-makers and practitioners with insights on how to implement the Goals, particularly for the world’s most vulnerable people.

The publication is edited by Fred Carver, with articles from leading authorities, including Amina J. Mohammed, Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, Ban Ki-moon, Inger Andersen, Mark Carney, Stefania Giannini, Natalia Kanem and Jonathan Glennie.
Visit the website at:

About the United Nations Association – UK
The United Nations Association – UK (UNA-UK) is the UK’s leading source of independent analysis on the UN, and a UK-wide grassroots movement.
UNA-UK believes that a strong, credible and effective UN is essential if we are to build a safer, fairer and more sustainable world. It advocates strong government support for the UN and demonstrates why the UN matters to people everywhere.